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History of Pan Ranchero "Don Pompeyo"

The name of the brand is dedicated to the heads of the house, both to Doña Francisca and to Don Pompeyo, especially to him, who left this world in December 2001.

The exchange of food that especially in the rural environment common practice in religious dates such as Easter, the seasoning of their bread ranchero liked other families. Thus, that began to take shape, as it happened that not only in the aforementioned festivities was this product tasted and it became daily "going to buy bread with Doña Francisca". It became custom for the people of El Nayar.

Then, Don Pompeyo, the head of the family, who was then an employee of a company in the city of Durango, with 5 or 6 sachets of bread, began to fill orders between colleagues and among other customers that he was winning. In this way, the Ranchero Bread from El Nayar, as it was called, passed through the town and began to be known in the capital.

However, 10 years after starting the business, the family decided to enter a new business, leave the bread and undertake an experience in which there was some knowledge precisely on the part of Don Pompeyo for the influence of the site. the one who worked in Durango, that new company did not prosper.

The oven and in general, everything related to the bakery, had become part of the story, had disappeared.

The situation, far from improving, tended to worsen, and in desperation for the circumstance, Doña Francisca, remembers as if it were yesterday, that with that characteristic devotion in the family, prostrated before the image of Santa María del Perpetuo Socorro, a Who asked for help; "And at this very moment I hear again what she, the virgin, told me then: You know well what you have to do and you know how to do it".

In a matter of a couple of days, the clay and brick oven was ready and immediately began production again.


For the family, both Francisca and her children Jorge and José confirm emphatically that the secret of success is very clear: work, work and more work.

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